Friday, March 20, 2009

The shinning star

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we leave for Puerto Rico. We're playing a show on Sunday with our friends the JB's. It's going to be great. I've never been to PR so I decided to find some fun facts:

-The island is also popularly known as "La Isla del Encanto", which translated means "The Island of Enchantment."

-Puerto Rico is composed of an archipelago

-In 1917, the Jones-Shafroth Act granted Puerto Ricans US citizenship

-Puerto Rico participated in the World Baseball Classic

Well there's just a few things to digest. It's pretty cool that it's called the 'Island of Enchantment.' That really makes me excited to see what it will be like! I will be taking pictures, so will be posting those as soon as I can.

Buenas Noches


  1. Have so much fun, and enjoy the weather enough for all of us that are stuck here in cold ass New York. :-)

  2. you're going to have so much fun! i've never been but a lot of my friends have and they've loved it. I can't wait to see the pictures...i've got some pretty cool ones from my current semester in florence.
    Crush the concert, have fun with the guys and enjoy yourself!

  3. Hey! I'm from Puerto Rico, and I'm glad that you are visiting us. I would show you a bunch of cool stuff, like el Morro, one of the largest forts, we were a military base for Spain up till 1898. And there you can fly kites and be a kid again. Beaches are pretty awesome, I know a few great ones. And I'm excited to see you.

  4. Buenos Dias (Is Morning now...)

    Hahaha I'm the stalker from Myspace about de Meet & Greet for Puerto Rico! Yeah we have enchantment but is not working with you cause we haven't got our Meet & Greet!

  5. Hope you have lots of fun in Puerto Rico! i know someone who lives down there and she's going to your concert tomorrow! she's SO excited :D

  6. hmm interesting facts! hope you have a great time ... im sure you will :)
