Monday, April 13, 2009

There's a new Snuggie in town

Ok, I understand that Snuggie's were invented to keep your arms warm while going through everyday life without getting tangled up in a blanket. I get it. You might want to stay warm while doing such things as: answering the telephone, or changing the channel on your tv, or even just eating some popcorn.
So the Snuggie came along and filled a niche that needed to be filled. Recently though, I was amazed to find a new addition to the Snuggie family. As if the absurdity of the original Snuggie wasn't enough to keep you guessing at why and how someone could ever dream up of making someone look so utterly ridiculous, the brains behind the original blanket with sleeves brings you this wonder of invention. Take a look and ponder with me the motivation. I mean really!? Am I being Punk'd!?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Haha Are you serious?
    That is so goofy looking!

  3. LOL OH my gosh... that's terrible.
    Are they serious? Who would actually buy that?
    poor kid.

  4. That is so scary! Like I think that might be in the new Alien movie! The poor kid is going to be scared for life!


  5. no. this cant be real. wow.

  6. totally ridiculous, but the weird (sad?) part is i would probably wear that if I had a kid. you gotta admit that kid looks happy!

  7. HAHAHAH oh my gosh.
    i hope that's a joke. i mean who would put their kid in that? it's kind of scary.

  8. Hahahahahaha! Wow! Too late for April fool's but great for a joke... Oh man, wow...

  9. ahahahhahahha
    i love u jason
    but i actually did see that
    on Ellen :]
    he was also flippin out about it

  10. WOW. That is all I have to say. Oh, and I love you Jason. :)

  11. Oh wow... that is all kinds of crazy right there. Who comes up with these things? I can imagine the lawsuits that thing will cause when it breaks and drops someone's baby.

  12. ahaha. it is a very interesting invention,
    next time i come up with a crazy idea,
    maybe i should patent it and sell it on those always annoying infomericials in hopes of making a few bucks and just maybe it'll become the next craze.

  13. wow.... interesting



    leave it to jason to have found that lol

  14. thats soo creepy....please do not...ever
    i think the person who invented snuggies had never heard of a sweatshirt

  15. ...Is she, like, giving birth? Cause it's slightly reminiscent...only, you know, cleaner...and not in the correct spot.

    Who would wear that in public??
