Sunday, March 29, 2009

House of Blues Phase II

Wow! LA House of Blues was completely electric! SO amazing, I left the night just on a cloud, like I was floating or something. The energy coming from the crowd was phenominal. It really propelled us to give a great performance. We loved that everyone was with us, singing, as one together. It was a special moment. We really had the time of our lives. Everyone we've met out here has helped make this coast feel like home. We partied together. It was epic.

But now we move into Phase II... We set out on a quest to visit our dear friend Dan Siego. He wrote us a letter asking us to visit (see video below). He also started texting, saying how much he missed us. So we are going head out to San Diego and play the House of Blues. We are pumped for the show because we played the Sports arena back in November,so it's been a little while, we are finally coming back to rock SD again!

We don't play shows... we throw parties.

San Diego will be a fiesta.


  1. san diego is gonna own the la show up the buttttttt.
    get ready for it.
    it will be like, 70893 cupcake-flavored fiestas rolled into one tortilla.
    you better get ready for the epicness that is san diego.

  2. Hi Jason,
    You guys CRUSHED the HOB in LA. It was indeed SO amazing to me as it was to you. It was my first Honor Society concert,first of many to come! Also, it was my first time I ever had a G&M/M&G ever...So THANK YOU. You guys are amazing people.

    I personally can't wait until you guys have YOUR headlining tour! It's going to be EPIC! :D

    I am looking forward into being able to go to SD!! It will definitely be a FIESTA!! Not that I'm keeping count or anything, but as of RIGHT now, there are 20 days 10 hours and 12 minutes remaining until the P-A-R-T-Y begins!!

    Will I gotta go, I have a FINAL EXAM to take in about 30 minutes, for my AP English Lit class!!

  3. For the record, I believe I was the first person to say that "San Diego doesn't party, we fiesta" (later known as FIESTAAAAAAAAAAAA).

    And I am very pleased that it has caught on.


    Have a great day!

  4. soo glad that you had an amazing time at HOB...wish i could be there, but i'm still abroad

  5. gawrrr.
    i love you, jason.
    at the la house of blues show?
    it was the most amazingest party i've been to. the meet and greet was awesome (the first girl up there, with the fake flowers?)
